Leadership Structure
Life Church Benalla is co-lead by our Senior and Lead Pastors. Decision making is made through mutual agreement. Below is an outline of the roles of our pastoral team.
Greg and Stacey Robertson – Lead Pastors
Roles summary: Church Vision and Direction, volunteer management, strategic and business oversight.
Greg and Stacey bring a keen understanding of leadership, process, policy, and business administration to the role of Lead Pastors. Greg and Stacey have been serving in local church ministry for over 15 years. They have four wonderfull children, Josh, Ethan, Tyler and Lily, with the three oldest boys now in their teenage years, and Lily is primary aged.
Greg and Stacey carry a spirit of excellence, and both lead with an apostolic and prophetic anointing. Before moving into the role of Lead Pastors, Greg and Stacey were the Pastors of Life Youth for almost 10 years, where they saw many young people come to faith in Jesus.
In this season, Greg and Stacey are bivocational pastors with the same responsibilities as full-time pastors, carefully managing their church and outside employment commitments. Both find navigating this time of transition is complex and rewarding, but are committed to honour the call and sacrifice of Christian ministry on their lives.
Daryl and Pam Marshall – Senior Pastors
Roles summary: Spiritual and Pastoral oversight. Pastoral care.
Pastor Daryl and Pam have been in faithful full-time ministry for the majority of their working lives. Daryl and Pam sold their earthmoving business in Wodonga to move into full-time ministry in Benalla during the late 90’s.
Prior to moving to Benalla Daryl and Pam were amongst the founding members of Faith City, Wodonga (now called: New Life Chapel), lead at the time by Pastor Warren and Christine McMartin. Daryl and Pam also lead the ACC church, now known as Ironbark Church in Chiltern, for several years. Daryl and Pam have three adult children with families of their own.
Pam supports Daryl, who has the heart of a pastor and teacher, and a great passion for seeing the outworking of the Spirit in church though healing and break through. Pastor Daryls preaching style is clear, relatable, and carries a prophetic edge. Daryl and Pam are steadfast, and have served the local church over a life time. They are true role models for the local Christian church!